Armour-MST Poultry Feed
Easily miscible free-flowing powder for use during processing of feeds to destroy and inhibit further growth of moulds and pathogens, and to bind residual mycotoxins present on feed, if any. Improves physical quality and texture of feed, acts as water conditioner, and has moderate feed pelleting property. It retains nutritional quality and aroma of feed intact, reduces aflatoxin M1 concentration of in meat and eggs, and prevent cake formation in processed feed.

Poultry Strong Bond
A pellet binder for improved quality of pellet, reduction of dust and dust formation during transportation of pellet feeds. Improves growth and feed conversion efficiency. Helps in smooth and efficient running of pellet machine, reduction of power consumption, and wear and tear of pellet machines.

Unique solution for early gastro-intestinal tract (GIT) development, and improved structural and microbial gut health, feed intake, nutrient digestion, growth, feed conversion efficiency and immunity, and to control Salmonella, reduce gastrointestinal disorders, and mortality of birds.
Products for Poultry
Making sure the growing poultry is healthy, yields healthy eggs and are strong through the weather.